Being on an internship has led me to think about my future prospects a lot. Almost everyday I would think about my purpose in life, what I ...

I have a dream


Being on an internship has led me to think about my future prospects a lot. Almost everyday I would think about my purpose in life, what I want to do dah dah dah and I actually get emotional just thinking about what I want to do.

I realise I've a lot I want to do.

Not everyone knows about my dreams. In fact, nobody does. Not the whole full account that is and I'm about to tell you guys about it right here right now. So stick around~~

Because I'm graduating in a year's time... it is high time I think about what I want to do in the long run and how I'm going to find a job and stuff.

Here are the steps I have sorta set up for myself: Chronologically. And the last pointer will reveal to you my ultimate dream... haha sounds extremely lofty.

Right after Graduation:

I know I definitely want to work in the media industry.

Definitely something to do with the broadcasting industry.

And when my internship supervisors and colleagues ask me every now and then whether I want to come back to Mediacorp to work.

I say...

A surprising, not yet.

Let me explain myself.

The reason why is,

1) I want to first go overseas to broaden my work experience.

Why overseas?

I have always dreamt of living and working overseas... Maybe it was too much Western pop culture but I would always dream of doing just that. I always thought I'd do that eventually, but somehow along the way while growing up, I kind of thought it impossible because... it is kinda impossible don't you think? Having to live on your own, and survive all on your own financially.

But recently, I'm starting to think.. it is possible. Perhaps exchange gave me a taste of it. But exchange was just the tip of the ice berg. My living expenses were paid for by my parents. And I've always wanted to live abroad and financially support myself.

That in itself is a challenge.

But that's not the main reason why I want to go overseas.

The reason is: I want to absorb and learn the practices of a broadcasting media industry from elsewhere BEFORE, coming back to Singapore.

If I never stepped out of Singapore to have a taste of what's outside of Singapore... I think that would have constricted and limited my perspective of things. Singapore is comfort, and if I stay in Singapore, I think.. I will only be bubbling in anything and everything Singapore..... I want to broaden my own experiences and come back to Singapore with new ideas and ways that I can contribute when I come back.

Which country do I want to work at?

My biggest dream would be to go to London to work. And a bigger dream would be to work at BBC. (if only I could!!)

Why BBC you ask?

I've tasted CNA, and kinda know how things are run. I want to know how things are run elsewhere and that elsewhere needs to be somewhere well-known and established. That to me, is BBC. I want to learn what goes on in such a long-running broadcasting company. What makes it tick? What makes its programmes and news so admirable?

And I want to absorb everything, EVERYTHING like a sponge.

I have to be honest, I don't have BBC at home.... only Mediacorp and THAT is precisely WHY I want to go overseas. I feel like I've been living in this small bubble of Singaporeaness and I really haven't stretched myself beyond that bubble. Someone needs to poke it real hard.

Working and living there for at least a year (or more) would definitely help me stretch my understanding of the broadcasting media industry..

Why London?

Coz it's JUST LIKE Singapore. It's diverse, it's multi-ethnic, and most importantly, it's a city. Like Singapore. I think I can live with that. At the same time, it's culturally different and it is that cultural difference that I want to learn to deal with as well.

That was me 3 years ago when I went to Britain right after my A levels.
I remembered feeling really happy climbing those steps in St.Paul's Cathedral and finally reaching the top, rewarded with this view~ Actually I think it wasn't very mei, I preferred the interior of the cathedral lawl.

2) After a year or 2, I come back to Singapore.

Fear not, I won't migrate or live there forever. Coz I'll definitely come back to Singapore. I hope going overseas would've enriched me with new ideas and practices that I can inject wherever I work.

And I think in the long run, I'll be back in Mediacorp. So that is why... I won't go to Mediacorp straight after graduation? Coz I KNOW I'll be back for sure some day. I have given thought to coming back right after graduation... it is a great place to work at, seeing how my internship went, but I know I need to stretch my horizons before ever returning.

I think that really is important.

Some of you might ask why I even want to come back to Singapore? If I do actually enjoy living overseas, might as well just migrate.

But I am Singaporean through and through... and I will never leave my country. Much of my generation, speak of the nation with bitterness, anger, and jadedness. I never refute these views, because many of them are true. I understand these viewpoints.

Singapore is touted to be a slave-driving economical machine, ready to work its citizens to the core. Right till pension age, when CPF comes to play and is the root to all unhappiness. I even studied all this in my sociology class I took last semester. Upon learning all these things, I did become disappointed in the system: with all its elitism. Coming from a neighbourhood school, I was part of the "undercurrents" in a less-privileged education system. These are just some of the things I can be unhappy about with Singapore. I understood how in so many aspects, certain factions of society are favoured and living in a materialistic world can be frustrating.

However, I will not leave my country on the basis of all this unhappiness.

I don't even blame the government over such things.

Maybe it's because I haven't exactly started living on my own, carved my own career and tried surviving in this dark money making cruel world where money is never enough... For me, despite all these. DESPITE all that I have learnt about my country, I wouldn't give up my pink IC for the world.

I am pretty idealistic, and to be honest I dunno where or how I am borne with this much love for the country that it can actually be uncool (lol I have contemplated this many times. Patriotic? Wtf ew?) But I am proud to be Singaporean and I will never leave it just because. My pasir ris is becoming so damn crowded, I'm getting unhappy. I see my fishing pond disappear (as you can see in one of my instag photos) but I tolerate. One day I might not be able to tolerate anymore,

But I stay because I believe... this word is really overrated "I believe" (nabeh), But I truly believe in staying and making your country a place that YOU want to have.

No country is without problems. Even if I migrate, there will still be problems elsewhere. But I won't run. I stay. And I make sure I do something about it.

It is one of the reasons why I want to carve a future in the media industry.

3) My ultimate dream is to ensure that my future job.. whatever it is, allows me to pursue social causes and beliefs.

That. Is my ultimate dream and working in the media industry I believe, will inevitably help me achieve that.

I read this article a friend shared on Facebook a month ago: "4 Tips To Help Millennials Find Meaningful Work". You can read it here.

It talks about how young people these days are labelled as lazy and restless and apathetic, but the fact is unlike other generations, money-making is not the top priority... young people nowadays are making sure that the work that they do has a PURPOSE to it.

The article mentions: "they aren’t motivated by money. Rather, they’re driven to make the world more compassionate, innovative, and sustainable."

That to me, is very true.

I realise, what I want to do eventually, must have a purpose. I want to make sure that what I do is aligned with what I set out to achieve. For me, simply raising awareness about causes that I strongly believe in is good enough.

Now, working in the media industry allows me to do just that.

The media is powerful. And what better way to leverage its power than doing GOOD with that power?? I always think celebrities and what not have so much power to raise awareness about issues and causes that they believe in. But so little of them do that and I think that's just plain wasted. Maybe bureaucracy doesn't allow that or maybe there is just no airtime for that. Don't even talk about President Star Charity or whatever, that one not counted haha.

Which explains why my internship is so meaningful because the programme that I'm attached to raises issues and awareness about what's happening on this little red dot. I feel a sense of purpose when I do my job?? Like I'm doing SOMETHING and that, my friend, is gratifying.

Be it poverty, migrant worker or whatever unhappy issues in Singapore, to simply address these issues and try to gain traction and awareness makes my job fulfilling.

I want to make Singapore, THE Singapore that I want to see and have. By working in the media industry helps me to DO something.

It is idealistic, but that is my dream.

Before I can do that, I need to enrich myself and gain as much awareness of the world as I can, which explains my entire journey upon graduation to reach that dream.

I don't know how I'm gonna get there, don't know how I'm gonna land myself a ticket to London, don't know where life will take me to reach there, all I know is, this is what I want to do and I sure as hell wanna make sure I get there.

My blog description of myself says that I have loadsa ambitions and aspirations to achieve. This is what I'm talking about.

Very lofty dreams some would say, I really dunno how I'm gonna get there. But as long as you're willing to stick around with me and watch me go, I'll chronicle as much on this blog till I get to my end goal. Definitely a bumpeh ride, but I'm sure this is what I want to do. Don't know how to get there, but I will get there.

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